Wisconsin Retirement System
Forfeited Service Cost Calculator
Step 1:
Select your
employment category.
General/Teacher/Educational Support Personnel
Elected Official/Exec. Retirement Plan Participant/Judges (start date after 12/31/2016)
Protective with Social Security (e.g., Police Officers)
Act 4 Protective County Jailer
Protective without Social Security (e.g., Firefighters)
Elected Official/Executive Retirement Plan Participant/Judges
Step 2:
Enter the earnings in each of your three highest years of WRS earnings (fiscal year earnings for teachers, judges and educational support personnel; calendar year earnings for all other employment categories). Also enter the related service in each year to two decimal places. You may want to refer to your most recent
Annual Statement of Benefits
for information about the earnings and service in your three highest completed years.
Highest Years
of Earnings
Year 1:
Year 2:
Year 3:
(If you work less than full-time in any of your three highest years, enter the decimal equivalent of a partial year in the Related Service column. See how to calculate
part-time service.
Step 3:
Enter your years of forfeited service in the employment category(ies) in which the service was performed. You must enter the forfeited service as before-2000 or after-1999 service. (The cost to purchase before-2000 and after-1999 service is the same, but your formula benefit increase will be greater from before-2000 service.)
Service forfeited through a separation benefit that was paid before January 1, 2000, is purchased as before-2000 forfeited service. Service forfeited through a separation benefit paid after 1999 is purchased as after-1999 service, regardless of when the forfeited service was performed.
Employment Category
Years of Service Forfeited
Before 2000
After 1999
General/Teacher/Educational Support
Elected Official/Exec. Retirement Plan Participant/Judges
(start date after 12/31/2016)
Protective with Social Security
Act 4 Protective County Jailer
Protective without Social Security
Elected Official/Executive Retirement Plan/Judges
(Before Act 10)
(After Act 10)
Step 4:
Press the "Calculate" button to see your results, or "Clear" to enter new data.